
Driving successful strategic change through strengths-based leadership, team building and execution


Why Football Inspired My OpenPlaybook

Football was transformative for me.  It taught me what it meant to give all that I had to give, to be accountable to my team mates and to understand that great endeavors require a OpenPlaybook.  

I have learned that the most effective leaders invest time in discovering and developing their authentic strengths and those of their team.

I created OpenPlaybook to help you take control of your career and to develop more effective winning teams. 

OpenPlaybook shows you how to drive successful change. 

Give Me the Ball!

60% to 70% of Change Initiatives Fail...  

Yours Doesn't Have To Be One of Them. 

OpenPlaybook brings us back to basics to put the right people in the right position with the right strengths with the right attitude at the right time to drive superior results every time.  The critical difference lies in building gritty, strength-based and committed teams that never quit when the going gets tough.  They just get tougher and more committed to success because they are in their "strength pocket", aligned with their natural strengths and part of a team that counts on each team member to deliver.


Build Teams that Drive Superior Results by Working Better Together.

OpenPlaybook works with you to build the right team by putting the right people, with the right attitudes, doing the right things, at the right time to build a solid strategic foundation of committed people.  Simply put, we put the team in the best position to win.

Strategy Without Execution and Grit is Useless.  

Countless leadership approaches focus too much on strategy and not nearly enough on execution and grit.  OpenPlaybook helps you build teams that draw upon the best strategy and then coaches you to build gritty teams that win.  Together.  Consistently.  


The Playbook That You Are Given

Each of us is given a unique set of talents to start with.  It is our job to transform those talents into strengths and then to use those those strengths to drive tangible results.


The Playbook That You Develop 

Our strengths are then married to a playbook that we develop.  But it must be the right playbook at the right time with the right players with the right attitudes doing the right things to excel.  


The Playbook That You Give Away

Nobody ever does it alone!  Breakthrough growth occurs when we realize that we can help others further back on the path and then commit to do so by giving our playbook away. 


Driving successful strategic change through strengths-based leadership, team building and execution

Learn More About the 3 Playbooks